Thursday, November 05, 2015

#MDaemon to @Office365 International Migrations - Character Sets Deuxième partie


Dagnabbit -- we forgot folder names in UTF-8.

This was one where the file system was replacing the “Tâches“ with “T&AOI-ches”

So we updated the code to handle it,

The latest build,  mCalreader_v4.1.17 addresses this issue.

To be safe, I recommend deleting these four lines in the XML config file and then re-running the code’s setup/configuration if you are already in a migration:


NB: Don’t worry if the config values look odd.  We save the localization values in “HTML-Friendly” format, so the “&” becomes “ampersand;”  (except in Blogger it gets interpreted into something not plain text)

For the curious, this is the table so you can handle your own cases:


Note that this is also a problem in email migration:

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