Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Hacking Canon Firmware -- Use This on Meeting Maker

With Meeting Maker in the final throes of its extended swan song, I'd like to point folks who still want to roll their own server-side migration to Hacking Canon Pixma Printers.  Aside from being an excellent tutorial on reverse engineering, it's pretty much the same method we used (all those years ago) in breaking the Meeting Maker export format. 

Keep in mind, the issue there is not getting at the encryption key (since except for the user passwords there isn't one and you can break those in a few minutes), but establishing the encoding scheme for individual data records.  After you run this for the first few you'll have the wash-rinse-repeat cycle for the entire data set.

You'll then have to assemble object-oriented database elements into something like a coherent whole, but if you get this far into the process that should not be a barrier to success.

Only other hint I need to give you: work on the server export file not the live server data.  The live server data is a hot mess horror show.

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