Thursday, March 12, 2009

International Characters and your Migration into Zimbra

We have someone in Switzerland migrating into Zimbra. In this case they're migrating from Meeting Maker.

The appointment at 17h00 should read "Jürg":

Quick, immediate, and cost-effective means of correcting: UNIFIER, available from here.
Our prospect ran with these options:

After which his character set conversion issues were no more.

Just to cure your insomnia if it is not already: Meeting Maker server data is stored internally in a Macintosh character set (regardless of what platform you are running on). When we convert Meeting Maker into the intermediate database we convert it into Windows Code Page 1252, Microsoft's default Western European character set (We mainly go to Exchange, after all).

The lower 8 bits with French and German characters should be OK -- but our friends in Switzerland were running with Macintosh clients.

We'll add a UTF-8 option if we get more European demand.

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