Friday, December 11, 2015

Apple iCalendar to Microsoft Exchange Calendar Migration Demonstration

I know we said we'd do a video in January but even if this technology has not been out of our lab yet it's been looking so good that we needed to share it before the end of the year.

Thus: server-to-server Apple iCalendar to Microsoft Exchange,  In this case Microsoft Office 365 but it's really the same thing.

We're reading the Apple PostgreSQL database.  We heard murmurs of Oracle being a secret option in some cases.  Oracle would be no problem.  As a previous posts indicated, we're taking as much functionality as we can and adapting it to the target Microsoft Exchange environment.

You'll see our application running on a Windows 7 virtual machine on the Macintosh desktop.  We found it far easier to use our existing Windows code base than to start anew.

There's a few things we've sloughed off until later (like attachments to meetings / appointments, and contacts) that we just need to bounce some ideas around on.  But it's very functional.

We're working on integrating our migration to Open Directory so it'll be even easier.

Again -- if you have a hundred users, unless you are very convincing on how you're going to be an excellent and loquacious test site, it's just as easy to do a client-side export and import. 

For email always use imapsync.

If you're an enterprise with at least a few hundred users and need to migrate, drop a line.

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