Saturday, October 17, 2015

What if I forgot my #Oracle BEE_DATA Credentials in a Beehive to #Office365 Migration?

Our Oracle Beehive to Microsoft Exchange migration reads the Oracle database directly, which makes things WAY easier for a migration.

Using the BEE_DATA credentials gives us access to all the data email migration products do not take.

Recently though we had someone who inherited their Beehive installation and did not have their BEE_DATA password.

Yuck!  Normally we do not like to advise things like just changing the password on a running system, since you have no idea what else it affects.  As Buckaroo Banzai advised: "No, no, no, don't tug on that. You never know what it might be attached to." 

This script will create a user called “sumatraTestBeeData” with all the privileges we need.

--Using SQL*Plus, 
connect sys as sysdba/PASSWORD;
select tablespace_name, status, contents from user_tablespaces where tablespace_name like 'bee_%';
drop user sumatraTestBeeData;

--create user command:


grant sysdba to sumatraTestBeeData;
grant create session to sumatraTestBeeData; 
grant ALL privilege to sumatraTestBeeData;
Grant UNLIMITED TABLESPACE to sumatraTestBeeData;

--sumatraTestBeeData needs access to these three tablespaces:
alter user sumatraTestBeeData quota UNLIMITED on BEE_DATA;
alter user sumatraTestBeeData quota UNLIMITED on BEE_LOBS;
alter user sumatraTestBeeData quota UNLIMITED on BEE_INDEX;

Then use these Beehive credentials in bCalReader:

Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Full-state Calendar Migrations from #Oracle, #Zimbra, #MSFTExchange, etc into @Office365

There must be a forest around here somewhere, I just cannot see it through all these trees.

These are Sumatra's full-state calendar migrations into Microsoft Exchange that 
  • re-create meetings
  • keep recurrence patterns 
  • preserve guest responses. 
  • book conference rooms and resource
  • make it like your users have been using Outlook and Exchange all along. 
  • Everyone else who claims to do calendar migrations skips over all this functionality. To be fair, it is hard to execute correctly (and most of them have their hands full convincing you to do email when imapsync does it so well and so much less expensively), and it's not too important if you have a few hundred users. But it is the whole ball of wax if you're any real-sized corporation.
Exchange to Office 365
with Incremental Sync
Oracle Calendar Server to Exchange / Office 365 (via ICS files, which we still use to create live meetings):
Oracle Beehive to Exchange:
MDaemon to Exchange (we don't do full-state on this)
Meeting Maker we've been doing but we didn't do a video on it.  And at this point -- why bother?

Zimbra to Office 365:

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Microsoft and Linux: Sign of the End Times?

My amazement is complete.

Read: Microsoft Built Its Own Linux Because Everyone Else Did

Never would'a thunk it.

For Exchange it makes PERFECT sense -- but I would have bet against this ever happening.