Saturday, April 21, 2007

Been working with the Zimbra calendaring functions

Just because we get asked about everything we've started taking apart the Zimbra calendaring functions. In general -- it's not up to Exchange / Outlook standards (so far), but truthfully it's not bad (i.e., a corporation would take it over giving all its calendaring data to Google any day).

Things I really like about it -- the way accepted, declined, and tentative meetings show up with varying degrees of transparency. Very intuitive, very elegant:

There's also a fairly decent schema for resources.

On the other hand there's zero concept of private activities or degrees of delegate access.

Calendar migration from Outlook via PST is better than we typically see with most packages. Zimbra manages to preserve the recurrence pattern of meetings and exceptions, and there is an option to change your email address on meetings from your former email to your new one if you're changing.

On the downside, it doesn't change guests' email so when I brought it up in our test lab (changing domains) I had outdated guest lists. Migration is also done on a single user basis (making it a pain if you have a large base you're migrating).

I didn't bother with the Domino or GroupWise migrators.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zyg - Thanks for taking a look at Zimbra. We have migration tools for email, calendar, contacts from PSTs for Outlook users which it appears you tested. That tool has a bulk mode where you can list multiple pst/user combinations. This makes it easy for you to load several psts PSTs for one user or multiple PSTs in a larger user migration. We also have an Exchange migration wizard which will let you browse/search AD to select the users you want to migrate. That tool will use AD to resolve attendees and email addresses if you use an admin login that has access to AD. If you have further questions or just want to chat feel free to email me. kevinh a t zimbra . com