Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Shared Mailboxes -- Warning Will Robinson!

One of the new features in Exchange 2010 Sp1 contained a client side feature that enabled auto mapping of shared mailboxes to user’s Outlook 2010 profiles.)  This should be a major win for the shared mailboxes (e.g, IT Vacation Calendar, Helpdesk Coverage, etc.....)  AutoMapping allows the "delegate" to simply open Outlook and *poof*  there is the shared calendar.  No more navigating the GAL!  No more support headaches (at least in this area.) 

In fact, Steve Goodman has written a step-by-step approach in his blog post Auto-Mapping shared mailboxes in Exchange 2010 Sp1 with Outlook 2010 and Outlook 2007

There is a caveat, though.  What happens if you have users who do not want the mailboxes they "share"  to show up in their Outlook? I hit this issue, and have blogged about how to remove automapping.

If you automatically populating shared mailboxes in end user's calendrs is something you want, consider the implications from of a shared calendar showing up in an end user's calendar -- and leaving the end user no facility to remove those mailboxes. 

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